Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Rookie

Jimmy was filled with emotion. Did that all really just happen? Just months ago he was a chemistry teacher and a high school baseball coach, now he just pitched in a Major League game. His hear was racing after that final strikeout. As he ran off the field he saw his friend Brooks, who had been called up with him, standing their waiting to congratulate him.

"Awesome work man," Brooks shouted over the sound of the crowd.

"Thanks," Jimmy responded.

As the team entered the tunnel and headed toward the clubhouse, Jimmy could feel his heart racing. He had wanted this since he was a little boy. His dad's military assignments forced him to move around a lot and it wasn't until he was nearly 14 that he got to play consistently on one baseball team for an entire summer. Of all places, in the football state of Texas. Jimmy had many cards against him, but he still did it. He made it to the majors, against all odds and his Dad's unsupportive attitude. He made it.

As Jimmy exited the clubhouse after the game, he was swarmed by reporters.

"How does it feel," one shouted.

"What pitches did you throw," another reporter followed.

"I, um, I feel great. It's a dream come true. Fastballs, I threw fastballs," Jimmy was overwhelmed.

As the questions kept coming, Jimmy saw a familiar face at the back of the player entrance. It was his father.

"Excuse me," Jimmy said to the reporters, "I'll be right back."

Jimmy walked to his father and asked him what he was doing there.

"I wasn't going to miss this one," Jimmy's dad said softly. Jimmy's dad referring to all the baseball game of Jimmy's he had missed in the past.

"I'm proud of you son," he continued holding back his tears.

Jimmy smiled a little, unsure what to do. His dad turned and began to walk away.

"Dad," Jimmy stopped his dad from walking away. "I'd like you to have this," Jimmy said while pulling a baseball out of his pocket. Jimmy was giving his dad the baseball from his first Major League start. He realized that despite the man his dad was, he was trying to make up for it now. His dad knew that Jimmy loved baseball and that this is where his dreams came true.

His dad smiled, turned, and walked away, tossing the ball in his hand. Jimmy felt a calm within him that he hadn't felt in years. Like he had finally settled his differences with his dad.

Jimmy then turned to see his loving wife waiting for him, tears in her eyes at what she just witnessed.

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