Sunday, September 6, 2009

Look Up Gullable in the Dictionary...You'll See Me!

So, yeah, I took those hoax tests and I learned one very big thing. I am a sucker! I got almost every one one wrong. It's kind of ridiculous in the fact that I could really do that bad on a test like that. I tried to think of what was feasible in my mind and what wasn't, but that had no bearing on me being even remotely accurate on what was real and what was a hoax. However, it does say how wierd things can be and how some people have way too much time on their hands. I think that the people that conjure these pictures are storytellers in their own ways. Instead of words, they use images; the emotions and draw the stories bring are the same though. In fact, these pictures allow for the viewer to create their own story, this ads a level that words can not. Probably not the best thing to say in a writing class, but there is that saying that a picture is worth 1000 words. Storytellers have different sources. Some base their stories of real life experiences, some off of word of mouth and others' stories, and some off pictures. I think the strategy in which a story is created can differ with every individual but the result is the same.

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