Sunday, September 13, 2009

Skeeter in Search of a Friend

Skeeter was an interesting lad, an avererage sized body he had. Well almost I guess would be the fair thing to say, for his arms were so long he could never come out to play. Boys and girls alike would point and make fun, all Skeeter wanted to do was laugh, play, and run. At first he was normal his eyes ocean blue. His dimples and freckles, new kids didn't have a clue. But when Skeeter would reach out to shake the hand of his new friend, they'd look down in disgust and Skeeter new that was the end. The new boy or girl would run away without fright, Skeeter was then alone again, not a single friend in sight. Finally one day Skeeter vowed to change his unfortunate days, he would find himself a friend who could look beyond his uncontrollable ways. So Skeeter woke up the next morning and kissed his Mom goodbye, he was going to find himself a friend no matter how hard he had to try. His mom hugged him hard and gave him a kiss on his cheek. She told Skeeter she'd miss him but hoped he could find what he was out to seek. And on the journey, Skeeter then went, not knowing how much time would need to be spent. Skeeter however, did not care how long it would take, because in the end, Skeeter knew that a friend he would make!

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