Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lunch on the Near Side of the Moon

Freezing fingers and toes, an afternoon like this was colder than normal. The moon was beautiful this time of year. I mean aside from the deathly frigid temperatures, but even that was okay, because you didn't need a cooler for a mid-afternoon picnic. I was running late. I had a date on the south side of the Mere Frigoris. I loved it there. The white powder of the Moon's surface was so smooth, I could bathe in it. The edges of the crater were sharp and deep. It was a clear night and the glimmer of Earth lit up the Moon's sky. A beautiful afternoon, stars shining like the twinkle in a new love's eye.
The natural light of the day made scaling the edge of the bluff into the crater an easier feat than normal. As my hands gripped the hand divots in the side of the moon bluff wall. It was a cold sensation against my pale skin. As I gripped my way down, the light of the Earth dimmed. It was darker and even colder as I climbed deeper and deeper into the abyss. At least my beer was still cold. I got to the bottom and jumped into the shallow white powder. A subtle white cloud of dust gathered around my feet. I walked to the picnic sight and set down my cooler. I laid down my blanket and fell back. I sunk into the ground like on abed of feathers. It was so soft and relaxing. I found myself getting lost in the stars. So close and so bright. It was a beautiful day. The sound of my heart beating, the small puffs of steam coming from my nose and mouth. The artificial atmosphere made it a breathable air, but it was like nothing you have ever inhaled before. I sharp, crisp air. Like an aerosol spray into your lungs every time you took a breath. It was an indescribable refreshment. This was my paradise. Not warm and sunny, but dark and cold. Stars shining bright, the soft moon surface under my head. I couldn't ask for a better setting.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, Ashley. A real feat of the imagination. You get frequent flier miles for taking us to the moon and back!
