Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who's That Tappin On My Window?

"What was that?" Johnny whispered breaking the silence of the night.

"You heard it to?" Johnny's little brother Gary replied.

"There it was again, what is it? I think it's coming from the outside," Johnny said, his voice now shaking. Sounds like someones tapping on the window."

"You think it could be..." Gary started to say.

"No way, Dad just said that to scare us," Johnny said cutting off his brother before he could finish his sentence. "It's just a scary story to tell us little kids."

"I heard it again, just then, right there," Gary snapped back at his brother, unconvinced that his dad just made the story up. "How do you know Johnny? How do you know it's not true. You sound pretty freaked out yourself over there."

"It just scared me a little, it's probably just a tree branch blowing in the wind," Johnny fired back trying to sound confident, his voice still shaky though. He continued, "Dad would never have let us sleep out here in the loft if it wasn't safe."

"But what if Johnny, what if Dad was right? He's right about a lot of other stuff you know," Gary plead with his brother, "Can we call him, can we go back inside?"

"Fine," Johnny replied trying to sound inconvenienced, but truly relieved. "I'll call him and ask if he can come get us and bring us inside," he continued while dialing his dad's cell, who was across the field sleeping in the house.

"Johnny listen," Gary said quietly, gesturing to his brother to put down the phone. "Do you hear a phone ringing outside?"

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