Monday, October 5, 2009

Suspense in the Bar

The floor creeked sharply as he walked in, he wonderd if anyone heard. He glanced across the room and quickly hid behind a table. The chairs had been put upside down on top to free the floor to be swept. As he waited, he tried to control his breathing. He needed to calm down. Looking across the room, there was no one there. Empty bottles and peanut shells lined the tables, and there were puddles of miscellanious liquids on the floor everywhere. "Calm down," he tries to convince himself. Instead the silence is broken by the beating of his own heart. Something just doesn't feel right. The clock shows 3:30am. He stands again, moving slowly across the room, this time avoiding the glass shards and loose floor boards that would give away his position. As he approached the backroom, he saw the door. Just like described, a cracked wooden door with a red light glowing from the space between the door and the floor. As he caught his composure, he could feel the sweat dripping down his face. He knew what he had to do, but didn't know if he could go through with it. He knew this one act would change his life forever.

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